Welcome to the Fermatorium

The Fermatorim is my personal web page that will be dedicated to the art and adventure of home fermentation.

My name is Mike, I live in Stockton, CA. I am a homebrewer, winemaker, and meadmaker. The constructuin of this page was started on 26Mar98. It will probably take a while to build up the content, as there are other demands on my time. I plan on offering some instructions for the novice on how to begin, as well as information from my own experiences, and links to other sites that have good information available.

Beyond an introduction to fermentation, I will split this site into sections on brewing, winemaking, meadmaking, etc... and provide more specific information/links for each.

Ready for more? Let's get started with the basics.

Visit my Homebrew club the Brew Angels , and see what's happening.

If you have any comments or suggested links for me to consider, please e-mail me at the Fermatorium.